Withering Virtue – The Second Chapter
Withering Virtue – The second chapter is the second full length album from the Swedish multi-metal band Norrsköld. This 12 track album contains elements that will appeal to fans of blasting death metal anthems or atmospheric black metal creations, or perhaps the characteristic acoustic pieces that has been a trademark of the band since day one. The album includes guest appearances from several guest musicians including Marios Illioupolos from the famous metal act Nightrage. Withering Virtue – The second chapter is Norrsköld’s most ambitious, well-arranged and epic release so far, and will definitly not leave any fan of quality metal untouched!
The album will be released in digital format on March 1:st 2017 and will also be available in CD format in early March 2017.

Cover art by: Ida Öhnell
Norrsköld is one of the most original melodic metal acts in Sweden. The inspiration for the music is primarily traditional folk music, black metal and melodic metal with elements of classical guitar work. Lyrical themes are mostly based on local legends Swedish folklore.