Neighbors Knocking’s New Thought-Provoking Single Dutch alternative pop duo Neighbors Knocking is set to release their new single "A Long Way to Broadway" on April 5th. Inspired by the sound of artists like Car Seat Headrest, The Naked and Famous, and The Lemon Twigs, the song’s catchy trumpet melodies and…
Neighbors Knocking - Aiming for the Moon An Exciting Experiment in Alternative Pop Neighbors Knocking is a Dutch alternative pop duo with a very versatile sound reminiscent of artists like Passion Pit and Miike Snow. Their music combines both acoustic and electronic elements and a broad palette of genres, channeling…
Sean Fitzpatrick - Rediscovering the Value of Youth A Genuine New Voice in the English Indie Scene Sean Fitzpatrick is an English indie rock artist who cherishes authenticity and musical exploration. Inspired by bands like Lovejoy and Bears in Trees, his songs reflect a desire to reconnect with the simplicity…
Ryan Mark Elliott’s Uplifting New Song Welsh progressive rock artist Ryan Mark Elliott is set to release his latest single, "Remedy," on April 5th. Bridging new wave and progressive rock influences, the song echoes the styles of bands like Tears For Fears and Rush. With its mesmerizing riff and uplifting…
Ryan Mark Elliott - A Dance of the Inner and Outer Worlds A Unique Voice in Progressive Rock Ryan Mark Elliott is a Welsh progressive rock artist who finds an elegant balance of technical dexterity and profound expressiveness in his music. His songs portray the struggles and resolutions of the…
Use Soap’s New Powerful Song Swedish rock band Use Soap returns with their new release, “Revenge,” on April 5th. Exploring a heavier sound, the track’s strong guitar riffs might bring reminiscences of bands like Metallica and Accept. “We needed a revenge song,” confesses the song’s writer, guitarist David Jakobsson, who,…