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Rexius Records



Silon – The Light of a Fearless Voice
An Emerging Talent in Swedish Pop-Rock
Silon is a Swedish pop-rock artist who crafts music full of stories and emotions. Influenced by Bon Iver’s lonely cabin days and the great storytellers of his hometown, Gothenburg, his songwriting channels a broad set of sounds to capture his unique creative vision.

As the musings of an innate storyteller, Silon’s songs are the tales of a lonely soul whose eyes have seen the wrath of a thousand storms. Finding light, hope, and love amidst the chaos, his fearless voice serves as a promising reminder that hardship can be overcome and rock is not dead.

His musical evolution has allowed him to break free from the constraints of genre and the fear of not meeting his listeners’ expectations. After making peace with his insecurities, he forged a unique musical identity, showcasing his distinctive voice and the honesty of his lyrics.

With his collaboration with producer Attila Bokor, Silon’s creative journey took a significant turn. What started as a single project in 2015 quickly evolved into a full album, highlighting their dynamic creative synergy and Silon’s evolving musical identity.

Silon debuted with the 2019 LP “Celebrate & Die.” He signed with Rexius Records in 2023, hoping to continue sharing his unique artistic vision with the world.


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Release Date: April 26, 2024